Meeting Highlights
Each meeting offers a range of activities for beginners to advanced cactus and succulent enthusiasts.
Monthly Program: Programs include guest speakers, hands-on workshops, panels, and slide presentations.
Plant-of-the-Month: A monthly category of cacti and succulents is posted and members bring plants in that category to display. Veteran judges provide feedback and growing suggestions. Members receive points toward annual prizes. 2025 plants of the month
Plant Sales: Several commercial and hobbyist vendors offer plants and pots for sale each month.
Plant Support Tables: Members can bring plants to the meetings and get expert advice on proper identification and culture. This is also an opportunity to display unusual or well-grown plants. Members can share cuttings and surplus plants at the give-a-way table.
Monthly Drawing: Members purchase tickets for a drawing of specially selected plants.
Library: An extensive collection of books and journals featuring cacti and succulents is available for members. 2019 Library List (by author) click here
Guests: New members are welcomed at each meeting and receive a gift plant to add to their collections.